SBU College Access Program

Student-athletes in grades 10 - 12 are encouraged to join the free SBU College Access Program! Accepted students will receive support fro South Bronx United staff to prepare for college and careers and achieve college admission goals. The program starts with monthly college prep workshops for 10th graders and their families that combine informational sessions with soccer sessions! A consistent commitment is required starting in 11th grade where twice-weekly sessions also involve soccer on the SBU Clubhouse mini-pitch.
Program Overview:
10th graders attend monthly college access workshops (Signup Form Required)
11th graders attend Monday and Wednesday evenings, 5pm-7pm (Mondays only until January). This program is a partnership with the Liverpool FC Foundation. The Foundation leads its Global Works Program in the fall.
12th graders attend Tuesday and Thursday evenings, 5pm-7pm, weekly for college prep sessions and individual college counseling.
Programming begins the week of October 10th.
Eligibility Requirements:
Resident of the Bronx, Harlem, Inwood, or Washington Heights.
Enrolled in grade 11th or 12th grade for the 2022-2023 school year. (10th graders are invited to attend monthly workshops)
Family qualifies as low-income, or individual is undocumented.
An interest in soccer or sports for development programming.
Participants are encouraged, but not required, to also participate in the Global Youth League (Saturday soccer). (Register for Global Youth League)
Application Deadlines
The application cannot be saved. It must be completed and submitted in one sitting. Applicants are encouraged to download the application first, edit in the document, and then copy/paste into the above application link when ready.
If you have any questions or need help completing the application, please email us at collegeaccess@southbronxunited.org or call our office at (718) 404-9281.
(Download 11th-12th Grade Application as Word Document | View & Download 11th-12th Grade Application via Google Docs)