Global Youth League

The Global Youth League (GYL) offers approximately 150 high school girls and boys the opportunity to compete in a Saturday soccer league, along with access to immigration screenings, and social work supports. The GYL is open to all teens from the Bronx and northern Manhattan and particularly focuses on supporting immigrant youth and unaccompanied minors.
Student-athletes are invited to attend workshops through the SBU College Access Program, including monthly or weekly college prep workshops for 10th graders through 12th graders and their parent/guardians. Learn more on the SBU College Access Program here.
Soccer games are held every Saturday from September through November and March through June at Rev. T. Wendell Foster Park (formerly Mullaly Park). The annual program registration fee is $85 per year ($55 for the fall season, $30 for the spring season). However, youth or family members are invited to complete financial assistance forms in cases of financial hardship for a partial or full fee waiver.
In addition to individual participants, the GYL also welcomes several high schools and community based organizations as program partners. Current and past partners include: International Community High School, Adlai E. Stevenson High School, Lehman High School, English Language Learners & International Support (ELLIS) Preparatory Academy, Kingsbridge Academy, Saturday Night Lights (CITC), and Rooklyn International.