Register for Summer Soccer Camp

Registration is open for our 2023 Summer Soccer Camp. The program is a six-week, half-day summer soccer camp where children have the opportunity to learn soccer and play in a fun, developmental environment. The camp is open to young players of all levels. Parents can register their child(ren) on a week-by-week basis.

2023 Dates:
Session 1: July 5 - July 7 (Wednesday-Friday)
Session 2: July 10 - July 14
Session 3: July 17 - July 21
Session 4: July 24 - July 28
Session 5: July 31 - August 4
Session 6: August 7 - August 11

Camp Times: 
9:00 am - 12:00 pm (8:30 am dropoff is available)
By request, students can be brought to a Summer Meals site (will likely be a local school or the SBU Clubhouse) for free lunch and 12:45pm pickup.

Macomb’s Dam Park (Joseph Yancey Field)

The camp is open to elementary school aged children born 2012-2017.

Every participant will receive a camp t-shirt. Participants should bring plenty of water and come wearing soccer shoes if possible (cleats, turf shoes, or flats), shin guards, and long socks.

$75 per week (3 day first week is $45)
Financial assistance is available in cases of significant financial hardship

Register now


South Bronx United partners with NJ/NY Gotham FC for Common Goal’s Play Proud Initiative


South Bronx United’s 2022 Annual Report